Important PEC Information

Many things can affect utility bills. Such as:

  • Number of days in the billing period
  • Weather/temperatures
  • Age of heating and cooling units
  • How well your apartment or home is insulated
  • Temperature you keep your thermostat set at
  • Mechanical malfunctions of electric appliances and/or systems in your home

Please keep these factors in mind when you receive your monthly bill. Please contact us at 704-889-2292 if we can answer any further questions or email us at

As always we appreciate your business.


When the temperatures drop, the demand for energy spikes. Heating your home can get expensive – particularly when weather is extreme. Luckily, there are a number of easy, but important adjustments you can make to not only ensure that your home stays warm, but also to help cut down on heating costs. Plus, by making your home more efficient, you will also help to save energy – which is a win-win for everyone. Heating your home accounts for about half of your power bill and an electric hot water heater is maybe the second-biggest energy user in the home.

  • Set your thermostat to 68 degrees or lower. Every degree above 68 increases your energy use by 3 to 5 percent. The best setting is the lowest temperature at which your family is comfortable.
  • Install a programmable thermostat and set it to turn the heat down at night and when you’re away.
  • Make sure your air conditioning and heating unit itself is professionally cleaned every other year and gets checked TO MAKE SURE IT’S OPERATING EFFICIENTLY and AT PEAK PERFORMANCE.
  • Heat pumps are the most efficient form of electric heating in moderate climates. Setting your thermostat to the lowest comfortable setting is the best approach to conserving energy and saving money.
  • Avoid using space heaters in large areas or for long periods of time. They are not nearly as efficient in heating large areas as your central unit.
  • Traditional fireplaces lose much more heat than they produce, so only use them on mild days. They pull large amounts of heated air from inside your home up and out of the chimney. When not in use, make absolutely sure the damper is closed. Consider installing glass doors to help limit the amount of air that gets drawn
  • Check, clean or replace filters once a month. Dirty filters restrict airflow and increase energy use.
  • Clean air registers, baseboard heaters and radiators as needed and be sure they aren’t blocked by furniture, carpeting or drapes.
  • Replacing 6 of your most frequently used bulbs with LEDS can save you up to $480 over the lifetime of the bulbs.
  • Wash clothes on cold water cycle and wash full loads opposed to partial. Clean the lint filter in the dryer after every load.
  • Caulk and weather-strip any doors and windows that leak air. 10-20% of your cooling and heating costs may be escaping through air leaks.
  • Pipes, ducts, and outlets are also susceptible to energy loss…wrap them in insulation to save energy. Use approved wraps to insulate water heaters and hot water pipes in unconditioned spaces.
  • Set your water heater thermostat to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
  • Turn off and unplug unused electronics. You can use a power strip as a central “turn off” point for electronics, video games and computers when not in use.
  • Closing or sealing a small number of heat registers may cut your heating bills some, but with central forced air systems, closing off more than one-third of your registers can create pressure imbalances and make the blower fan work harder, potentially shortening equipment life.
  • Window air conditioners should either be removed or sealed in winter to prevent cold air from entering the home and warm air escaping. If it is not feasible to remove the units, insulated covers that can be effective in reducing this air leakage are available. Sealing the inside and outside of the units with plastic sheeting can also help.

More Tips

  • Dry your dishes, and save.
    Most dishwashers use up to 15% of their energy for DRYING your dishes. Instead of using the heated drying cycle, choose the energy saving mode. The hot water will evaporate quickly and save you money.
  • Save up to $23 per year
    By putting your outdoor lights on motion detectors. Motion detectors make sure your lights stay on when you need them and off when you don’t.
  • Go the other direction with ceiling fans.
    Change your fan’s cycle when the weather changes. Adjust your ceiling fans to run slowly clockwise during cooler weather. This will mix the warm air near the ceiling with the rest of the air in the room.
  • Store hot coffee in a thermos or carafe.
    Turn off the hot plate on your coffee maker and transfer your coffee to a thermos or insulated carafe.
  • Go the other direction with ceiling fans.
    Change your fan’s cycle when the weather changes. Adjust your ceiling fans to run slowly clockwise during cooler weather. This will mix warm air near the ceiling with the rest of the air in the room helping you to feel warmer.
  • Try taking shorter showers.
  • Cover pots when cooking on the stove.
  • Use energy-efficient appliances & equipment.
  • Install low-flow faucets and showerheads.
  • Turn off lights when leaving the room.
  • Let the sunshine in!
    Open drapes and let the sun heat your home for free!